Friday, September 10, 2010

Ignorance is not Bliss!!

News channels have been running rampant with coverage of the "Burn a Quran" service in Gainesville, FL.  'Pastor' Terry Jones, and I put the title in quotations on purpose, is planning to burn Qurans on September 11, because, "it is full of lies."  I pointed out that I used the quotes because he is in no way practicing ANY of the foundations of Christianity.  He is as much a pastor as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are reverends; titles only!! These men not only bring negative attention to Christianity, but also set our faith back so many steps!! They rarely act or speak as a Christian should, in love, joy, and peace! I truly feel that they are some of the 'false teachers' the Bible refers to numerously in the New Testament of the Bible.  During my daily Bible reading time, I came across a few scriptures that I think that Mr. Jones, as well as his supporters need to read.
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse...Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes. If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone. Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord..Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good." (Romans 12:14-21)
These verses are all about Christian ethics, and it is very clear that Mr. Jones has no regards for this scripture.  He is all about vengeance and not living at peace with everyone.  Our actions should reflect Christ, and his actions are mirror images of a child who is mad.  'I'm going to hurt you because you hurt me!' Christ's sacrifice for our lives should not be in vain because we are proud and angry.  We should take the love of Christ to the Muslims, and definitely not show hate towards them. Why on earth would they want a relationship with Christ if all they see are mean, grouchy Christians constantly trying to destroy or harm them.  My prayer is that the Muslims repent and find a relationship with the Saviour, Christ! Mr. Jones, you need to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make o plans to satisfy the fleshly desires!" (Romans 13: 14).  Perry Noble, Senior Pastor at New Spring Church in Anderson, SC, urges his followers via twitter, "Burning the Quran doesn't prove you have proves you are a coward.  Want to prove your faith? Actually shae Christ with a Muslim!" This lit a fire in me.  It is so true, too. It is easiest to hurt someone, but to actually approach someone from a place of love and share your faith with them, is not easy at all.  It is, however, the most rewarding things as a Christian you will ever do!!
Even though I do not agree with Mr. Jones, I also do not support the building of the 'Cordoba Initiative' at the Ground Zero site! It is not a coincidence that the Islamic leaders pushing for the mosque's build chose this name for the building! It refers to the mosque is Cordoba, Spain where Moor conquerors built a huge mosque in celebration of their victory over Christians in the 8th century.  The Moors tore down the cathedral of St. Vincent of Saragossa and built the 'Mezquita' as a constant reminder of their victory! The proposed Cordoba House in NYC is nothing more than that; a constant reminder of Al-Qaeda's victory over the Americans, not only the Christians! As a Christian, I do not believe in nor support Mr. Jones' extreme and completely ignorant measures.  Burning a Quran does not prevent a mosque from being built, but it only fuels the Islamic fire to have it built even quicker! We need to step out from behind the 'squeaky wheels' of the church and speak and act as Christ would want us.  1Corintians says, "for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body" (6:20).  Our actions must glorify God and not distract from the cause!!

1 comment:

  1. Well said Brittany! I hope Mr. Jones takes a step back from the publicity and listens for God's voice...
