Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am a very huge fan of all things holidays or holiday-related (ask my husband), and Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. As much as I love Christmas, however, I almost love Thanksgiving as much! Throughout the month of November this year, I have been thinking of all the things I am so thankful for, and the things are innumerable!! God has so overly blessed me in 25 years that I just wanted to take a few minutes to openly praise Him for a few of the big ones!!
First, He sent His only Son to live perfectly on this Earth, so that Jesus could be my substitute for my sin. He took the sin of the world upon Himself and paid the sin debt that I could never afford! Thank you Lord for saving me!
Secondly, He blessed me with a family that always filled our home with unconditional love! My parents were supportive and tough on me all at the same time! They had expectations for my life, and they refused to settle for less than my best!
Thirdly, God brought into my life a very godly man, who is so proud of his faith.  He is such a supportive and loving husband, who loves me most with no makeup and sweatpants on!! I love you so much Joseph!!
Fourthly, the Lord gave me a precious, healthy baby boy, Stephen Karl. Then when I thought I couldn't get any happier, the Lord gave us Carson Joseph.  These two boys have taught me more about myself and fill my life every day with more laughs and love than the world could ever offer anyone! They are the best and worst of me, and I couldn't imagine a life without them!!
Finally, God has put very special friends in my path in this life. I have friends that I never thought I could deserve. They listen to me complain without judging as well as make me laugh!! My life is truly better with my very close friends in it!
I hope this post helps you smile as well as reminds you of the little things in your life that you have to be thankful for!!
-Britt :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

HOT Topic!!

It has been a while since I blogged last!! So, I decided that a "hot topic" today is just what the blog needed!!
I love "Glee," and I cannot wait until next week's Rocky Horror Glee Show!! I do, however, have a huge problem with three of the stars GQ spread.  I have a problem with the provocative pictures because of the overt sexuality! The pictures make Britney Spears seem tame and docile, something I thought never would happen!! One of the actors in the provocative pictures is Dianna Agron, who plays Quinn on the show, apologizes, sort of to the upset parents in her blog!
She says, "Now, in perpetuating the type of images that evoke these kind of emotions, I am sorry. If you are hurt or these photos make you uncomfortable, it was never our intention. And if your eight-year-old has a copy of our GQ cover in hand, again I am sorry. But I would have to ask, how on earth did it get there?"
Does she really feel that this is a genuine apology?! I am quite offended that she would assume that most parents would first of all buy a magazine with such overt sexuality, and secondly accept such a horrible apology!!  Neither my three year old nor one year old boy would ever be seen with this magazine because it is an adult magazine, but they are being exposed to these shots because I take them to the grocery store with me!! Because she decided to wear very little clothing and dance/jump around while being photographed, all while making a good chunk of change, my children are being exposed to the overt sexuality that leads to increased promiscuity and pregnancy among our youth!!  I am not saying that Dianna Agron, Lea Michelle, and Cory Monteith are the reasons for higher pregnancy rates in teenagers, but their spread in GQ is in no way slowing things down!!
I wish they hadn't sold out and went so crazy sexual with this photo shoot, but since they did, they really shouldn't be surprised by the backlash and criticism!  I understand art and fashion, and these photos were tasteless with zero art quality! These photos are more appropriate for Playboy, not for newstands in grocery and convenience stores where anyone, children included, are exposed to the pictures. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Baptismal Blessings!!

Yesterday's service started with a splash!!  We were blessed in witnessing four member's baptism!! Baptism is always so special because of what it represents.  It is such a blessing because we as believers are given the opportunity to praise our Saviour by literally following His lead.  Jesus was baptised in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, not because He was a sinner, but because He was our example! We need the Saviour because of our sins, so by the washing away of our sins, through the submersion in water, we are raised to walk in the newness of our life!  Baptism in no way saves us, but it is an outward response to the inner change that we experience.  I love seeing people get saved and then follow in Christ's footsteps.  I can remember when I was baptised! My husband actually baptised me! It was such a great memory.  I had been saved for several years, but I never understood the profoundness of baptism.  I was "sprinkled" in the Catholic church as an infant, so I thought that was enough.  The act of by adult baptism didn't save or "re-save" me, but what it did do, was show that I freely chose Him!  It was an act of obedience, and every time that we have a baptismal service at church, those memories from my baptism come back! I am so thankful that Christ saved my soul, and He is still working in and around my life!  These services are just one of the many reasons that I love my life as a pastor's wife!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stephen Karl

Today is ALL about my big boy Stephen!  As we celebrate his 3rd birthday, I wanted to share a few of my favorite pictures of my sweet boy!!
 My Little Vol!
 At his first Tar Heel game!
 Happy 1st Birthday
 First night in a Big Boy bed!!
 First root beer float
 The Best Big Brother
 Beach Bum!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ignorance is not Bliss!!

News channels have been running rampant with coverage of the "Burn a Quran" service in Gainesville, FL.  'Pastor' Terry Jones, and I put the title in quotations on purpose, is planning to burn Qurans on September 11, because, "it is full of lies."  I pointed out that I used the quotes because he is in no way practicing ANY of the foundations of Christianity.  He is as much a pastor as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are reverends; titles only!! These men not only bring negative attention to Christianity, but also set our faith back so many steps!! They rarely act or speak as a Christian should, in love, joy, and peace! I truly feel that they are some of the 'false teachers' the Bible refers to numerously in the New Testament of the Bible.  During my daily Bible reading time, I came across a few scriptures that I think that Mr. Jones, as well as his supporters need to read.
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse...Do not be proud; instead, associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Try to do what is honorable in everyone's eyes. If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone. Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord..Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good." (Romans 12:14-21)
These verses are all about Christian ethics, and it is very clear that Mr. Jones has no regards for this scripture.  He is all about vengeance and not living at peace with everyone.  Our actions should reflect Christ, and his actions are mirror images of a child who is mad.  'I'm going to hurt you because you hurt me!' Christ's sacrifice for our lives should not be in vain because we are proud and angry.  We should take the love of Christ to the Muslims, and definitely not show hate towards them. Why on earth would they want a relationship with Christ if all they see are mean, grouchy Christians constantly trying to destroy or harm them.  My prayer is that the Muslims repent and find a relationship with the Saviour, Christ! Mr. Jones, you need to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make o plans to satisfy the fleshly desires!" (Romans 13: 14).  Perry Noble, Senior Pastor at New Spring Church in Anderson, SC, urges his followers via twitter, "Burning the Quran doesn't prove you have proves you are a coward.  Want to prove your faith? Actually shae Christ with a Muslim!" This lit a fire in me.  It is so true, too. It is easiest to hurt someone, but to actually approach someone from a place of love and share your faith with them, is not easy at all.  It is, however, the most rewarding things as a Christian you will ever do!!
Even though I do not agree with Mr. Jones, I also do not support the building of the 'Cordoba Initiative' at the Ground Zero site! It is not a coincidence that the Islamic leaders pushing for the mosque's build chose this name for the building! It refers to the mosque is Cordoba, Spain where Moor conquerors built a huge mosque in celebration of their victory over Christians in the 8th century.  The Moors tore down the cathedral of St. Vincent of Saragossa and built the 'Mezquita' as a constant reminder of their victory! The proposed Cordoba House in NYC is nothing more than that; a constant reminder of Al-Qaeda's victory over the Americans, not only the Christians! As a Christian, I do not believe in nor support Mr. Jones' extreme and completely ignorant measures.  Burning a Quran does not prevent a mosque from being built, but it only fuels the Islamic fire to have it built even quicker! We need to step out from behind the 'squeaky wheels' of the church and speak and act as Christ would want us.  1Corintians says, "for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body" (6:20).  Our actions must glorify God and not distract from the cause!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where there is rain..there is a rainbow!!

Yesterday was another GREAT day at Grace Baptist Church-Gastonia!!  Everytime I walk through the doors of church, i expect great things to happen, and praise the Lord, He NEVER disappoints!! Even while in the nursery, I learn and grow so much!  I spent the AM service in the nursery with all the precious babies with two of our friends and my parents as workers! We really needed that many because there were so many babies.  Isn't God good?! Needing more workers because He is adding to our congregations is a problem that excites us!!
Last night's service was all about Noah!! So many know the story by heart, and there are so many great applications from Genesis 6: 8-22.  Joe preached a great message about Noah and the church today!! So often we as Christians try to do what 'we' think God has for us, but we need to first pray what God will have for us before accepting roles or jobs in the church as well as in life.  Also delayed obedience is nothing more than disobedience!! Knowing what God wants us to do and putting it off because of so many different reasons, is simply disobedience!!  The thing that hit me the most was when Joe talked about using his "sanctified imagination" and wondering what the people of Noah's time were thinking when the first raindrops hit the earth!! Can you imagine?!  Noah preached, for some would say 90 years, that a mighty rain would destroy the Earth, and it had not rained EVER!! I'm sure people thought he was a crazy man, but Joe related it back to when the Rapture comes, what will our generation think?! How many people will be left here thinking, "well that preacher/singer/Sunday School teacher/etc wasn't so crazy after all!" The problem with these people is that after the Rapture takes place, it will be too late for them.  This absolutely breaks my heart!! Never before have I seen the need for people to get saved by Jesus and Him alone!! Salvation isn't found only at church, praise God! God is such a big God that He can save you anywhere, even when you least expect it!! I have been a Christian for a long time now, and I am more excited than ever because of what I am seeing through dedicated people in my life!! We all need to strive to be like Noah!! "Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so he did." (Genesis 6: 8-22)


Thursday, September 2, 2010

In a DIV@S state of mind...

Hey ya'll!! Last night was our very first meeting as DIV@S, and it was nothing short of disorganized and delicious!! DIV@S is a small group for the young women in our church.  We are Darlings In Victory @ Salvation!! We took our name from several passages in Song of Solomon.  Song of Solomon says in chapter 2, verse 2, "like the lilies among the thorns, so is my darling(s) among the young women."  This is what we pray, to stand out among the young women for Him!!
Last night we talked about Transformation!!  On Sunday at the morning service, one of our DIV@S made the walk down the aisle and gave her life to Christ, once and for all.  That is definitely the ultimate transformation!!  Mary Anne read from Colossians, and discussed several things and the one that stuck out to me was about forgetting the past and letting God do what only He can do through us!! He can take our lives and make it something useful and beautiful!  This simple devotion led to some great conversations about our own insecurities and anxieties!!  I let everyone know the level of worry-wart that I am!! (I'm really not sure if anyone worries quite like me!!)  We also talked about how great prayer partners and prayer warriors are, and how desperately we need to rely on others!! Find someone who will pray with and for you!! Mary Anne also gave some great advice to new/never matured Christians to read the book of James as a guidebook for your Christian growth!!
I walked away from last night's meeting even more convinced that God has big plans for us not only through our missions but also through our meetings!! I reflected on my own experiences last night, and I was more motivated than ever seeing the love and support from my fellow DIV@S!! I cannot wait to see what and where God takes us.  "Rise up my darling(s)!!" (Song of Solomon 2:13) 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hello World!!

Hello World!! I am so excited about this, but I am also a little reserved!! Blogging is a way in which to fully put myself all the way out there and let you all in my life!! I do, however, think that God will use this blog for bigger things than I can even phathom, and that is really what I am shooting for!!
Now for a little about me!!
I am Brittany, and I am the mother of two beyond precious boys, Stephen and Carson!! Also, I am married to the man that God picked for me, and he just so happens to be a pastor!!  Joe pastors Grace Baptist Church-Gastonia, NC.  I never knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I married Joe!!  I knew that it would be different from typical marriages because we were in even more of a fishbowl.  People look at us and have different expectations of us because we are pastor and pastor's wife, but believe it or not, we are exactly like you!! We are tempted and fall short every day!!
Along with the fishbowl palace that I live in, I also get to experience the most wonderful things!! I get to hear first hand, and most times first, the victories!! From the cancer crusaders who are taking down that dreaded disease to the children coming to know the same Christ that I do as their personal Savior, I get the chance to celebrate with them, and that is just about the best part of life!!
As difficult or easy as my life may appear, I just feel so blessed!! My family and I have so many supporters and fans in our corners, and we feel your prayers!! We are so thankful for every one of you who give us words of encouragement and prayers of support!! We love you all so much, and each and every one of you out there have shaped who I am and who I am becoming!! We thank the Lord everyday for you, so keep those prayers going!! :) Until next time....(ps give me some feedback please!!)