Saturday, November 20, 2010


I am a very huge fan of all things holidays or holiday-related (ask my husband), and Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. As much as I love Christmas, however, I almost love Thanksgiving as much! Throughout the month of November this year, I have been thinking of all the things I am so thankful for, and the things are innumerable!! God has so overly blessed me in 25 years that I just wanted to take a few minutes to openly praise Him for a few of the big ones!!
First, He sent His only Son to live perfectly on this Earth, so that Jesus could be my substitute for my sin. He took the sin of the world upon Himself and paid the sin debt that I could never afford! Thank you Lord for saving me!
Secondly, He blessed me with a family that always filled our home with unconditional love! My parents were supportive and tough on me all at the same time! They had expectations for my life, and they refused to settle for less than my best!
Thirdly, God brought into my life a very godly man, who is so proud of his faith.  He is such a supportive and loving husband, who loves me most with no makeup and sweatpants on!! I love you so much Joseph!!
Fourthly, the Lord gave me a precious, healthy baby boy, Stephen Karl. Then when I thought I couldn't get any happier, the Lord gave us Carson Joseph.  These two boys have taught me more about myself and fill my life every day with more laughs and love than the world could ever offer anyone! They are the best and worst of me, and I couldn't imagine a life without them!!
Finally, God has put very special friends in my path in this life. I have friends that I never thought I could deserve. They listen to me complain without judging as well as make me laugh!! My life is truly better with my very close friends in it!
I hope this post helps you smile as well as reminds you of the little things in your life that you have to be thankful for!!
-Britt :)